Healthcare Management Group (HCMG) of Mental Health specializes in providing credentialling services to licensed medical physicians and licensed psychologist to allow them to bill insurance for mental health services, along with providing licensed mental health professionals providing counseling, therapy and teletherapy through Kiosk services.
Our Counselors
Our licensed therapists are ready to help. Therapy on your schedule through HCMG Mental Health Kiosk. Our clients are able to obtain counseling at their fingertips, in the privacy of their homes through are relationships of licensed therapist. Counseling types: Chat Counseling, Text Counseling, Email Counseling, Phone Counseling, through Healthcare Management Groups, Mental Health Kiosk Services.
Therapy Satisfaction
Healthcare Management Groups, satisfaction is at the heart of everything we do the lives of those we serve are directly impacted by the care we provide, and it is our commitment to provide top quality service that exceeds our patients’ expectations.
Affordable Pricing
Healthcare Management Group mission is to simplify access to high- quality, affordable mental health care by offering membership services to the general public as low as $95.
Mental Health "Teletherapy Kiosk Services
Healthcare Management Group provides innovative Mental Health Kiosks Services to the general public through our business and corporate relationships that allows the general public to have access to online teletherapy in the privacy of their homes.